Friday, August 19, 2011

No go on third

It is another negative again.

I don’t know if it is because the results have not yet hit me or is it because I have known for two to three days now that my embryos did not stick but I am very calm about the results for this round.

This officially marks our 14 months into IVF where we have completed 3 rounds of fresh cycles – two long protocols followed by a short protocol. Results have been a chemical BFP which necessitated a D&C to rule out an eptopic pregnancy and two BFNs. We had started suppression for the first cycle in June 2010 and it is August 2011 now.

I am amazed at how much I have learnt about myself over the past months and how much more versed in medical jargon I have become.

The staff at the center was visibly more upset about the outcome than I was as they had high hopes on my great embryos for this cycle. I'm chewing on some things mentioned on the post-results chat and will share them after I've had a chance to digest them.