Friday, October 21, 2011

They are in!!!

I showed up at the clinic at 7:45am for my transfer as instructed and was told to get out my kit and into the gown. I had even brought my own socks since I always have cold feet. I was ready within minutes and was quickly ushered into the operating theatre and got into position. Its a position that I am unfortunately very familiar with.

I felt a sense of peace overwhelming me and a real sense of calmness. I know that He is with me and in control. Amen to that!!!

The embryologist came to report that she had thawed four and there are three ready for transfer.

Embbies status:
- 8 cell that grew to 10 cells
- 8 cell that remained at 8 cells
- 4 cell that grew to 8 cells

Doc came, checked that my bladder was full - it was as I drank tonnes - and popped those embryos in. The obligatory squirt of Crinone and I was transferred to another bed. It is the first time I was transferred awake since all other times were under sedation.

So there I lay, resting and listening to praise music which really help put everything into perspective.

It wasn't long after that my bladder started to protest from all the liquids that I had downed earlier. A glance at the phone informed me that it was way too early to pee, so I started to play a game on the phone to distract myself.

Finally at 30 minutes past transfer, it hurt too much to tolerate any further. But the nurse was busy so I rang the main line in the clinic and got the reception to come save me. It was terrible trying to hobble to the bathroom and relief had never felt so good. I then returned to bed for another hour after and changed into my civvies.

After a bum kiss of progesterone and the obligatory blood draw, I was done - not before paying the bill of course. Did n't think I could get out of that one!!

I then made my way to the acupuncturist at Raffles Hospital where I did a really relaxing session and it was great. The TCM doctor commented that my pulse felt better than when I first started a week ago. Hurrah the Lord really heals!!!

I was given a formulation to brew for the next few days and sent home where I slept for over three hours....with my embbies :)

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