Friday, November 4, 2011

Beta charts

It is hard to stay out of the numbers game when I take into consideration of my previous medical history. It sure doesn't help that I get shoved a copy of the lab report to keep for future reference and find it hard to not flick the paper open and look at the numbers.

Plus, I am an analyst my nature...and yeah, I need to figure things out so that things make sense. Add to that finely honed research skills and it is almost a perfect equation for trouble.

Anyhow, I came across this really cool site that gathers Beta figures from real women and thought to share.

Beta, for the uninducted, refers to the level of HCG hormones in a person's body and is tested via blood serum.  A person is often deemed pregnant when the Beta is 10 and above - according to my previous midwife. The important trend here is to see the number double every two days. So I guess we - or I should say, my Doc, will be keeping a close eye on this one over the next few weeks.

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