Thursday, November 3, 2011

Beta day

I have been waking up really early every morning to start my work day. Today was the same - u at 6am to work and clear my work emails. I then went down to the clinic for my blood draw at 9:30am and asked the nurse to not ring me with the results since I had to come down to the clinic eitherway - Either to get follow up support or to collect medicines for another cycle.

I returned home and worked more. I had lunch and even dozed off for a litte while after lunch. I was awaken by my cell which rang and showed the clinic's number only to be asked by the nurse if the Doc was with me at lunch. No....since I was snuggly tucked up in bed!

I then decided to work a bit more. It was 2:30pm before I hualed myself out of bed and drove to the clinic. When I walked in, I was met with a strict faced receptionist. I smiled and went into the nurses' room and was similarly met with a somber faced nurse.

She asked if I wanted to open the results together with her - I told her its fine, and it really was. I told her I already knew it was negative fromr reading their facial expession. So don't worry, I am alright.

The nurse showed me the lab report from her screen and I couldn't make out the numbers for a while - you know how it takes a while for the brain to really make sense of characters and figures. But by this time she was already grinning ear to ear and I remember telling her "no way...are you sure this is mine?". I grabbed her mouse and scrolled up the report to check that it is indeed my name that's on there.

The receptionist rushed in and started giggling..saying how it was so hard for her to have kept a straight face and how joyful she was. It didn't take long for the Doc who had just arrived back from lunch to walk in to join the party. It was truly a moment to remember.

Things quickly got very sombre as I was issued a warning about how my low progesterone and estrogen levels were and how I needed to up my meds.So things were not out of the woods yet.

It took us quite some time to figure everything out as I was on a whole load of meds. They include:

Progesterone support:
Utrogesten (Oral) - 1 morning, 1 noon, 2 night
Crinone (Vaginal) - 1 morning, 1 night
Proluton (Injection) - 1 daily

Estrogen support:
Progynova - 3 morning, 3 noon, 3 night
Patch - 1 a day

Aspirin -1 a day
Fraxiparene - 1 a day
Folic acid - 1 a day

Prenatal vitamins

I have also been grounded until things stablize and this has by far been the toughest thing to manage at this point as I had promised my daughter that I would be flying home in a day's time.

I am happy, excited and very grateful. Thank you God.

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